Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I track my order?

To track the status of your order, you can log into your account on our website and go to the ' order overview ' section. Here you will find detailed information about the progress of your order, including current status, shipping information, and a tracking number if your order has already shipped. If you did not create an account during the ordering process, you can also receive tracking information via the email confirmation we sent you when your order shipped. You can enter your tracking number on our Track & Trace page. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service.

What is the estimated delivery time of my order?

All orders placed with us have a delivery time of 1 to 4 days . Depending on stock and crowds. We strive to send everything as quickly as possible! You can follow your order at any time via the Track & Trace page!

Who pays the shipping costs?

Shipping costs will be charged to the buyer . There is currently an offer on our site. Shipping costs are free when you spend more than €40 . If you buy for less than €40, standard rates apply. If you have any questions regarding shipping costs, please do not hesitate to contact us!

How can I contact StrapFlex with questions or comments?

If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us in various ways. The fastest way is often via our contact form on the website, which you can find under the ' Contact ' section. Simply fill out the form with your name, email address and a description of your question or comment, and we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible. You can also reach us via or by telephone on 0643630141 .